Market News, Discussion and Vendor Line Up
Market Central’s Farmers Market at Ix, Jan 25, 2025
Hello Folks, so glad to have you attend the Farmers Market at Ix. This is the 8th year of winter markets at the Ix Art Park, and will be the 6th full season brought to you by Market Central. We are managing and operating the Market at Ix through a contract with the Ix Art Park. The week brings us to the end of markets in January. It has been unusually cold, and makes us wish for a market where we could provide a structure to collect solar heat. Stay tuned for news of Market Central participating in the community Resilient Together project. A sustainable market would help our community increase food supply resiliency in the face of climate change.
A slate of excellent vendors is being developed with new applications every week. Most farm vendors are waiting for crops to come in, but winter and spring greens are in production now. Some vendors such as Bellair Farm, Singing Earth, Ternion Springs, Madison Mushrooms, and Agriberry have winter produce andor greenhouses. Bakers of breads and sweets, ranchers with meats and fish, and purveyors of baskets, cutting boards, artistic t-shirts, honey, soaps, herbal products, and more will be present this week. As reported earlier this year, we say so long to Althea Bread, Family Ties and Pies, and now, Broadhead Mountain Farm are retiring or ending their businesses. We thank them for their wonderful products and wish them the best of luck in their next chapters. As long as we have room, new vendors are coming in to represent the rich diversity of Charlottesville growers, bakers, and makers.
For the Jan 25 vendor line-up, click on the Jan 25 Farmers Market map