Our Mission
Market Central connects the community to local farms, food producers and entrepreneurs at farmers markets to benefit health, the environment, the local economy, and shared social and cultural experiences.
We are passionate about the roles that a local, public market can play in a community as:
• A source for fresh, local foods
• A supporter of environmentally friendly practices
(Keeping farms sustainable prevents rural development)
• A driver of the economy and job creation
• A business incubator
• A social gathering place fostering cultural exchange
• A venue for local artisans
Our History
Market Central, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was founded in 2002 to engage the community at farmers markets through educational programs and outreach. We collaborated with the City Market of Charlottesville and philanthropic organizations to provide programs to increase access to local food and increase awareness of the benefits of supporting local farms and food.
Now at the Farmers Market at the Ix Art Park, customers may use SNAP and VA Fresh Match coupons, or debit/credit card tokens to shop at the markets. In 2018, Market Central and the Ix Art Park Foundation created the Winter Farmers Market at Ix Art Park, which ran from January to March. In 2020, the Farmers Market at Ix was extended into spring and summer to prevent disruption in access to local food during the Covid pandemic. Managed by Market Central, the Farmers Market at Ix has grown into Charlottesville’s only independently operated, year-round farmers market.
Market Central relies on grants and donations from those vested in local food. Renting space for the market is expensive, and without public support, food prices would increase. Your contribution helps support our programming to continue to provide an exchange between the community and local producers and a venue for future markets. We research best practices at markets and in food access programs to advocate for markets in the future that will be sustainable, reliable, and will meet the needs of everyone who wants to access local food. If you wish to donate, you can do so through this link.
Our Policies
1. Promote the value of local and sustainably raised farm products sold at Charlottesville farmers markets. We increase access to education, reach out to the community, and develop a market currency system.
2. Support all people having access to the healthiest food in the community. Sponsoring the SNAP and Fresh Match nutrition assistance programs, and market currency is a part of our outreach program.
3. Maintain accountability and sustainability of our organization. We are committed to education, fundraising, and financial support to sustain and grow our programs.
4. Support continuing improvements and services to the market community by researching and implementing innovative ideas and programs. Vendors are vital to a market’s existence and character, so Market Central advocates for fair and transparent rules of vendor participation and Market governance, which includes some level of vendor participation in self-governance.
5. Coordinate with other non-profits to achieve maximum results for our stakeholders, and to minimize overlap of services.