Market News, Discussion and Vendor Line Up

Cecile Gorham Cecile Gorham

Market Central Farmers Market at Ix, Feb. 15, 2025

Hello Market Community,

Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy the sunshine- it disappears again tomorrow, just in time for the market. However!—-your intrepid local food and arts vendors will be at the market Saturday morning for your week’s produce supply, your coffee and breakfast, and some sweet gifts for your Valentine weekend. If the forecasts are accurate, we may get by in the morning without rain. The vendors may close up shop between 12:00 and 1:00 depending on the arrival of the wall of rain, so we encourage you to shop before noon.

Please check the live market map to find the vendor line-up. If/when a vendor cancels, we will adjust the map to keep it up to date. Thank you for your support of local food producers and small businesses. The market doesn’t happen without you!

As always, SNAP may be used to buy eligible food, and is matched in equal value with Virginia Fresh Match for free fruits and vegetables, a win-win for consumers and farmers.

See you at the market!

FM@Ix Map, Feb. 15

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