Farmers Market at Ix, Labor Day Weekend, Sept.3, 2022

Hello Friends,

Lots of people consider this time of back to school, labor day, shorter days, and cooler weather (we hope) as the end of summer, though it doesn’t officially end until Sept. 21. So we still have three weeks. The tomatoes and peppers are still coming in strong, but extra rain and/or cold nights will finish them. One farmer reported that the cucumbers got a virus and died all at once. But the good news is that apples, figs, asian pears, pears, are here, and cool weather greens are not far behind. Eating seasonally brings the anticipation and pleasure of the best of local produce in season, and helps naturally vary your diet and palette. Be sure to check the Sunset Market as well. Different vendors with different products are coming in for the fall. They will be posted here.

Sept. 3 will be a very full market. Please come to the MarketCentral booth for SNAP, Fresh Match, and information!

Thank you.


Sunset Market, Thursday Sept 8, 2022


Sunset Market, Sept. 1, 2022