Farmers Market at Ix, Fall Season, Sept 23, 2022

Welcome to Fall 22 at the Farmers Market at Ix.

We had a very good growing season this year, with enough rain, and cool mornings at the market. Thanks as always for supporting local growers, producers, and makers of all types. We look forward to fall crops, and sharing seasonal flavors and traditions with you. The UVA Biology Outreach team starts their seasonal programming for adults and children this week!

We are taking feedback about when to change the market hours to 9:00 to 1:00. The choices are the first market in Nov., or the first market in Dec.. You can leave a comment at the end of this newsletter.

This week, the Market at Ix will share our space with the Black Business Expo at the Ix Art Park. Attend the market on Farmers Row, Second St, and Market South parking lots from 8:00 to 12:00. There is plenty of parking on the Elliot St. side of the Ix Building. The Black Business Expo will showcase local black businesses on the plaza, from 10:00 a.m until 7:00 p.m. Find out about activities, demos and panel discussions here.


Farmers Market (of sorts) at Ix Art Park, Oct. 1, 2022


Sunset Market at Ix, 9/22/22