Farmers Market at Ix, Sept 9, 2023

After a brutally hot week, we look forward to the early morning market to restock on fresh tomatoes, peppers, corn, cucumbers, eggplant and more. Apples, sweet potatoes and greens are in! All your favorite meat producers, bakers, mushroom growers, honey producers and artisans will be there. This week, Hammered Inn with hot peppers and suace returns, and we welcome new pasta vendor, Oro. For those looking for farm jobs, Sweet Greens and Little Hat Creek have openings. As always, SNAP can be used to purchase eligible food, and will be matched for fruits and vegetables with VA Fresh Match. Find out more about programs or lost and found at the Market Central Booth.


Sunset Market, Sept 14, 2023


Sunset Market, Sept 7, 2023