Market News, Discussion and Vendor Line Up

Cecile Gorham Cecile Gorham

Market Central’s Farmers Market at Ix, March 8

Hello Folks, the FM@Ix is still 9:00 to 1:00 for the rest of the month, but switches to 8:00 to 12:00 on April 5. Be sure to change your clocks after the market this week.

A few folks are out this week— it seems the viruses are making the rounds. Shopping outdoors in the open air and space keeps some of the germ transmission at bay. Among our farmers, Gathered Threads has returned with kimchi, herbs, and root vegetables. Sweet Greens returns with their signature, high quality spring flowers including anemones, iceland poppies, tulips and more as the season progresses. They are located on Farmers Row this year. Henley’s and Encanto Homestead return, adding to the egg supply. The meat and egg supply will be plentiful, with many vendors to choose from. For fans of Indian Food, try Khusbu, attending every other week from Richmond. Sweet Jane’s of Maryland style crabcakes have relocated behind Cold Country Salmon.

Click on the market map to find more vendors and locations for great baked goods, prepared foods, the arts, and more. If you are looking for a particular product, or information about SNAP, ask at the Market Central managers booth.

See you at the market!

March 8 market map

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