Farmers Market at Ix, April 23, 2022
Spill-over vendor spaces for 4/23
Hello Market Community,
This week at the market, the Ix Art Park has scheduled the Hight Arts Festival to run in conjunction with the market. The Festival, a ticketed event, will take place on the plaza, while the market will spill over into the two parking lots below the hill on Second St.. (map is above). Farmers Row, Second St. and Market South will be set up as usual. You will find your vendors from the plaza on the two alternate lots.
In product news, strawberries from Agriberry are in this week and other growers are soon to follow. Farms are offering vegetable and flower plants; spring flower bouquets are coming in, too, as the weather warms up.
The non-profits are lining up across from the farmers, these days. We’ve had voter registration, Citizens Climate Lobby, and the UVA Biology Outreach and Inclusion team is conducting a neuroscience activity this week next to the Market Central booth. The Master Gardeners are making arrangements to set up as well.
Several vendors have employment opportunities on farms and at the Market. Market Central is also looking for an Assistant Manager. The job is described at the Center for Non-profit Excellence website Center for Nonprofit Excellence.
Don’t forget, the Thursday Night Markets, to be known as Sunset Market, is schedule to open May 5, 4:30 to 7:30. More news to follow.
Let us know what else you’d like to see at the market.