Sunset Market at Ix, season closer, Oct 26, 2023

We’ve come to the end of the 2023 season for the Sunset Market. We’re going out on a high note with a great weather forecast, and a group of excellent vendors. If you aren’t ready for Halloween, Encanto Homestead Farm will have pumpkins, gourds, Indian corn, and all your needs for fall and Thanksgiving decorations. If the frost hasn’t gotten to our local farms, there may still be tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers and a few summer holdouts. If not, there will be plenty of fall greens, root vegetables, apples, grass fed beef, eggs, winter squash, and fall crops. However, the summer crops haven’t completely disappeared. They are now available in the form of delicious jams, butters, syrups and sauces. If you need ready-to-eat food, SFG Foods, Hands Off Maria, It’s Mr. Baker, and others offer baked goods, tamales, and Southern Fusion food with a Texas flair. The artists and crafters have one of a kind selections in pottery, beading, weaving, crochet, soap-making, and more.

Thanks to the community for supporting this week-day market. If you are interested in future markets in Charlottesville, please give your feedback in the comments section. Our markets are meant to connect the community through local farms, food, and art. Customers may use SNAP for eligible food and receive matching coupons for fruits and vegetables.

Cecile GorhamComment