Farmers Market at Ix, April 9
Hello Folks,
Typical of spring, a lot is happening at the market. Most of the farm vendors are back, though vendor placement is still a bit unsettled. Double H is attending off and on. Sweet Greens is out this week, after only one week, due to an employee shortage. *(see more on employment opportunities below.) Lesley’s Garden from the Westmoreland area is returning this week. We’re pleased to welcome Deep Roots Milling— they mill locally grown grain into flour and meal. Listening to NPR has raised awareness of a potential shortage of grain due to the war in Ukraine, where up to 30% of the words grain and fertilizers are produced. You might want to make your own bread this summer! We also welcome first time vendors Tho She Be Little, some young people who make candles and lip balm.
Ballerino Creamery will also be out this week for lack of employees.
*Several vendors who participate at the Market at Ix have opportunities for work. Sweet Greens, Natural Roots Farm, Laurel Woods Farm (goats milk soap), and Market Central are offering good jobs. Contact Market Central for information.
Be aware that on April 23, the market will coincide with the High Arts Festival that will take place on the plaza. The market will take place on the two extra parking lots at Ix. There will be help to direct traffic and parking.
Thanks so much for your support of local farms and food.
Vendors for 4/9/22