Farmers Market at Ix, May 11, 2024. Get ready for Mothers Day!

Hello Market Fans,

It’s that great time of year, when everything is green, the frost is behind us, and it’s not supposed to be too hot yet. The market reflects the freshness in the greens, asparagus, radishes, mushrooms, strawberries, and the promise of a good season ahead. We welcome the return of Peacemeal Farm, and County Line Farm, both providers of chicken, and each with a few added products. The market will be exploding with flowers and garden plants for Mothers Day! For details of the 80+ vendors and products, be sure to explore the Marketspread link below. Click on the market date, and then on the map, you can click on the vendor names and find out more about who they are and what they sell.

Thank you for the community support in our quest for the USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program grant. We have joined forces with the IRC New Roots program for a better and stronger proposal. The New Roots program supports refugee farmers, food businesses, and food access, and are great partners with Market Central to offer diverse cultural farm products at the market, and share in the benefits of the SNAP and Fresh Match programs. New food access this summer expands to WIC, and the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Incentive Program. Details are available at the Market Central booths.

Awards for the grant will not be announced until October.

Have a great Mothers Day Celebration, in absentia or in person! Vendor location and information


Farmers Market at Ix, May 18, 2024


Farmers Market at Ix, May 4, 2024